Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Impact in the Yukon

I don't know how many non-family members are reading my blog but if you are out there, let me first say, thanks for reading. Second, my trip has come to an abrupt ending, unfortunatly.

A few miles north of Destruction Bay in the Yukon Territory, I was hit from behind by a woman trying to pass me and the semi in front of me. I was traveling about 55 mph and was ejected from the bike. I tumbled down the road and then slid to a stop on the embankment. Thankfully I only have minor injuries but I might have something broken in my hand. I need to get it X rayed in Austin. Right now I'm in Denver waiting for my Austin flight, the last leg of a milk run starting in Whitehorse, the Yukon's capitol.

I will post more details when I have time. I have a picture of me on the side of the road and my bike, taken by another motorcyclist. Before I close, let me say this. My sincere thanks and gratitude are with Bob and Deb Klunder who stopped to help, Grace Cohoe the volunteer EMT who responded, Kevin Easton and Nikki ??? of the Whitehorse Air Ambulance who also responded, Sharon Kerr who treated me at the Destruction Bay Health Center, Corporal Hayes of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who pursued the woman who hit me and drove me to Haines Junction, and again Kevin Easton who in addition to responding as an RN, also drove 2 hours to pick me up and bring me to Whitehorse where there are flights out. Without Kevin I'm not sure where I'd be right now. Probably still in the Yukon trying to figure out how to get home. Thinking about the generosity of these kind people makes tears swell in my eyes. I don't know how to repay them for how much they gave me. I'm very grateful they w!
ere all around me when this happened. It's good to know people like that have your back even though you don't know them and will only meet them when something goes wrong. I know I'm going on about it and am way into melodrama but I don't care.