Sunday, June 19, 2005

Back from the Arctic

Yesterday I rode up to the Arctic Circle. The ride was pretty tough. 100 miles of curvey road followed by 120 miles of gravel featuring huge potholes. Not fun stuff. My teeth were rattling and so was my poor bike. :-( Then I got to do it all backwards to get back to Fairbanks. I got some cool pictures though and I can claim I made it to the Arctic on my motorcycle. So I got that going for me, which is nice (Caddy Shack reference).

When I got back to Fairbanks I was greeted by rainshowers that lasted...well, they haven't stop yet and I have since driven over to Tok. I'm now headed back south. I can't remember how many miles are on the trip meter exactly but it's around 6000! I've got about 4000 more to go then I'm back in Austin.

I know you're all interested in seeing more pictures and I'd love to upload them but you wouldn't believe the kind of trouble I'm having trying to do it from internet cafe's (slow connections, no good photo editing software to resize pictures for uploading, restrictions on installing software). Anyhow, I gave it a shot today and it just wasn't going to happen. I'll try again from somewhere else.